Stormwater/Sewer Infrastructure Integrated Plan

Everett, Massachusetts
everett ma lake

BETA has been working closely with the City of Everett to develop an Integrated Plan (IP) for stormwater and wastewater infrastructure. The project was initiated based on discussions between EPA, DEP, BETA, and the City when it became evident that Everett was facing a multitude of issues that could not be addressed all at once. The objective of the IP is to create a comprehensive evaluation of the citywide stormwater and wastewater collection infrastructure  and  provide a  long  term,  affordable plan  that  outlines an approach for efficiently operating and maintaining those systems.  The effort responds to Mass DEP’s short-term and long-term CWSRF goals and follows the first five elements of the framework established by EPA for the creation of an integrated plan including:

  1. Identification of water quality, human health, and regulatory issues being addressed
  2. Description of existing wastewater and stormwater systems
  3. Communication with stakeholders
  4. Alternatives and proposed schedule
  5. Measuring success

The major  goals  for the  City  are to  reduce  SSOs and  flooding  and to  better  position themselves for the future.  The strategy is a focus on removing I/I and illicit connections and managing stormwater.  The plan includes preparation for the future through climate change as well as upcoming NPDES and MS4 permit requirements. Communication with stakeholders is a critical component of an integrated plan.  Throughout the IP process, monthly meetings were held with city staff of various departments to gather feedback and keep all informed of the project focus and progress.

BETA  began by  obtaining  and reviewing  previous  plans and  studies,  O&M  concerns, ongoing development/construction  &  planning documents,  receiving water  bodies studies including outfall monitoring, environmental permits and local climate change, and hazard  mitigation  planning efforts.    BETA  performed field  investigations  to verify  and  revise stormwater  mapping and existing conditions and identify opportunities for projects including catch basin disconnection, IDDE, and operations and maintenance.  Using this  information,  nearly  70  candidate improvement  projects  including capital  construction improvements, studies, evaluations, data management, O&M improvements, stormwater treatment, and CMOM tasks were developed for assessment and ranking.  Throughout the development of the IP BETA worked with the City to open and maintain communication with regulatory agencies, city government, city departments, and interested stakeholders. BETA is also working with the City on a public outreach and public education campaign to gain public review, comment, and support for the project findings and recommendations.

The resulting IP document is a capital improvement plan that will provide a roadmap Everett can use to plan for the future.  The plan includes:

  • Information on receiving waters
  • Overview of storm and sewer systems
  • Inventory ongoing development/construction & planning
  • Stakeholder input and public outreach
  • Climate change impacts
  • Projects recommended for implementation
  • Present action strategy
  • Potential funding sources
  • Performance measure program

Project Management Team