Diamond Hill Park Improvements

Cumberland, Rhode Island

In Spring of 2019, BETA was asked by the Town of Cumberland to take a fresh look at Diamond Hill Park and, in particular, the ski lodge building which had been surrounded by a parking lot and roadways. BETA’s conceptual master plan concluded that the building be rebuilt in the same area but with a modification to vehicular circulation – the building will now connect directly to the hillside landscape with a family play field and pathways. The new vision for the Deckside at Diamond Hill is that it will become both a community center as well as a venue to be rented for private events. The new layout of roadways and parking frees up approximately two acres of land that can now orient the lodge facility to the actual Diamond Hill.

Parking and circulation are reorganized in a more efficient arrangement so that private events will have approximately 100 spaces. Major stormwater improvements will also occur with the new parking lot layout and defined pathways will provide safe and easy pedestrian access throughout the park facility connecting the southern athletic fields to the northern picnic grounds. New trail head bathroom facilities will also compliment the facilities and combined will be suitable to support a new festival ground on the multi-use family play field.