Greater Hartford-Central Connecticut Reliability Project

South Hartford to Newington, Connecticut

BETA is providing professional environmental consulting services to Harlan Electric Company for compliance assistance during the Greater Hartford Central Connecticut Reliability Project (GHCCRP).  The project consists of work subject to multiple permit and agency jurisdictions and includes diverse activities in and near regulated resources protected under local, state, and/or federal jurisdiction.

BETA reviews pertinent project permits and non-regulatory compliance commitments (access and right-of-way agreements) and provides project oversight to confirm that all regulatory and non-regulatory commitments are met.  We also provide construction monitoring and conduct compliance visits to inspect the work areas and evaluate compliance with applicable permits.  For each visit conducted, BETA prepares construction monitoring reports.  Excess soil generated during the project is managed in accordance with the project-specific materials handling guide.  BETA’s Qualified Environmental Professional ensures that Harlan Electric and their subcontractors manage excess soil and groundwater generated during the project in accordance with this plan.  BETA also assists Harlan with waste classification sampling and laboratory analysis.