Hydrant Fuel System Removal and Replacement
Chicopee, Massachusetts
BETA was retained by Structural Associates, Inc. to provide LSP services during the removal or closure in place of 18 underground storage tanks and 2,500 linear feet of pipeline associated with the upgrade of the fuel hydrant system at the Westover Air Reserve base in Chicopee, Massachusetts. Under this contract, BETA:
- Coordinated UST removal activities and management of hazardous materials with the environmental contractor, Structural Associates, and the base.
- Prepared a Comprehensive Contingency Plan and verified that the closure sampling was conducted in accordance with the Contingency Plan and project specifications.
- Conducted required sampling during UST and pipeline closures to evaluate requirements under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan.
- Prepared UST and pipeline closure reports.
- Conducted IRA activities following the release of jet fuel into a valve pit during construction activities. Following the release, BETA directed an assessment to evaluate impacts to soil and groundwater and directed the remedial activities. BETA prepared a Response Action Outcome statement following completion of response actions.
- Managed asbestos and lead-based paint survey for pump house buildings slated for demolition and subsequent asbestos monitoring during the abatement process.
- Managed contaminated soil and groundwater during construction activities.
- Prepared MassDEP Regulatory Submittals and groundwater discharge permit for Chicopee POTW.