• Middletown Recreational Facility

Middletown Recreational Facility

Middletown, Rhode Island

BETA has developed a Master Plan for a new recreational facility on two parcels of former farmland currently owned by the Town and The Land Trust. The Master Plan calls for four ball fields, six lacrosse fields, a 50,000 square foot field house, playground, picnic grove, equestrian/walking trail, and a spiral observation land mound. The site has many constraints including wetlands, consistent slopes, and many regulations from the Land Trust to balance preservation and land use. Extensive grading, buffer zones, and bioretention systems are included to maximize usable space responsibly.

The development of the Master Plan has been coordinated with the Town’s steering committee over a four month period. During this time six options were developed for review and input by the committee. BETA translated comments into two options and facilitated the finalization of the master planning process to a final plan.

Project Management Team