What are RSR Ranges?

Road Surface Rating (RSR) is a numerical rating index (0-100) which is used to describe the general condition of a roadway segment. A roadway with a 100 rating is a roadway in “like new” condition, while a 0 rating roadway is in extremely poor condition.

The RSR is determined through a manual roadway inspection. Surface distresses such as cracking, rutting, potholes, and patching are identified in relation to severity (low, moderate, high) of each distress and the extent (%) that each distress covers the roadway.

Based on a roadway’s RSR, roadway segments can be placed into a repair category allowing for an understanding of what repair techniques may be applicable for the particular roadway segment in question. This allows for general planning estimates and backlog reports to be generated and utilized as a benchmark for measuring the success of a roadway repair program. The pavement deterioration curve shows the approximate RSR (Y axis) you can expect to see a roadway deteriorate to over a given period of time (X axis) and the repair category it will fall into along the way.