Product Description
Rubber Chip Seal (otherwise known as Asphalt-Rubber Stress Absorbing Membrane or Asphalt-Rubber SAM) is a hot spray application of 20% asphalt-rubber followed by a layer of cover heated and treated cover aggregate. The road surface is able to be swept immediately following rolling to pick up any loose aggregate. The application provides a flexible, waterproof wearing surface that seals the existing pavement and is highly resistant to cracking. The treatment can also be used as an interlayer (SAMI) before a hot mix overly to help decelerate reflective cracking.

RSR Ranges

Product Materials
Asphalt-Rubber (ASTM D6114) and heated and treated cover aggregate (3/8” to 7/16”)

Life Expectancy
8-12 years

Ideal Candidate
Rubber Chip is typically placed on low to moderate volume roads (up to 8,000 AADT).  The treatment should be placed over sound structural pavement with a good profile. The pavement may be exhibiting minor to moderate surface distress (cracking, bleeding, raveling, oxidation).

Surface Preparation
Surface leveling and crack sealing should be completed as needed. Full depth patching may be required in areas of advanced deterioration. Structure adjustments, while not typically required, may be considered to damaged structures.

For more information on this treatment, email us at