May Newsletter – Celebrating Bike Month and Award-Winning Projects

May 22, 2024

May marks National Bike Month, a celebration championed by the League of American Bicyclists and embraced by communities nationwide. Originating in 1956, this annual event offers an opportunity to spotlight the advantages of cycling while inspiring individuals to explore the joys of biking firsthand.

The League of American Bicyclists believes everyone should have the opportunity to bike for transportation, health, and enjoyment. Over the past century, communities and transportation systems have been designed primarily for automobiles, prioritizing vehicle needs over other roadway users. The League aims to make bicycling a common, everyday activity. By making biking more accessible and safer, they believe everyone benefits.

Bringing Awareness to Safer Streets: Bicycles on Main

From May 1st to May 31st, celebrate National Bike Month by exploring Bicycles on Main in Old Wethersfield, Connecticut’s historic district. Enjoy decorated bicycles in front of charming colonial homes, museums, shops, and eateries—all on one walkable/bikeable street! BETA is thrilled to participate in this yearly event and raise awareness for bicycle safety and the Safe Streets for All initiative. We’re proud to be working with several communities on SS4A initiatives that will improve their roads for bicyclists. Check out the BETA bike display above!

Is Your Community Ready to Ride into a Healthier Future This Bike Month?

Are you looking to enhance your community’s transportation network and promote healthier, more sustainable lifestyles? BETA is here to help with comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian planning and design services.

Our team of experienced transportation planners and engineers brings practical knowledge of both on-road and off-road facilities. We are experts in current standards and best practices, ensuring the creation of safe, accessible, and attractive facilities for all non-motorized users. From feasibility assessments through construction inspection, we offer end-to-end solutions to meet your community’s needs.

Why Invest in Bicycle Infrastructure?

  • Health Benefits: Increased physical activity through accessible bike facilities leads to significant savings on healthcare costs.
  • Environmental Impact: Reduced motor vehicle trips result in lower greenhouse gas emissions and social costs, contributing to a cleaner environment.
  • Accessibility and Equity: Improved connectivity to essential services benefits all community members, especially those in historically disadvantaged areas, promoting greater inclusivity.

Check out some of our recent projects here or contact Rick Stinson to talk about your next project.

Lexington Town Center Project Wins Silver Engineering Excellence Award

BETA’s Lexington Town Center Revitalization and Preservation project in Lexington, Massachusetts, was recently awarded a Silver Engineering Excellence Award from ACEC-MA. This recognition celebrates over a decade of collaboration between Lexington and BETA, involving technical design, project management, extensive public outreach, and construction engineering services.

The project enhances public safety, accessibility, economic vitality, and sustainability in Lexington’s historic town center. Given its crucial role as a transportation hub for the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority and the Minuteman Bikeway, the project focused on integrating bike infrastructure to promote healthier and more sustainable transportation options. Key features included the incorporation of complete streets principles, ADA-compliant sidewalks, and enhanced lighting to ensure safe and efficient movement for pedestrians and cyclists.

This award-winning project exemplifies how thoughtful design and community engagement can transform a historic area into a vibrant, safe, and accessible space for all. Click here to learn more and please join us in congratulating the Town on this well-deserved award.

National Public Works Week – Advancing Quality of Life for All

This year’s theme “Advancing Quality of Life for All” serves as a powerful reminder of the profound impact public works professionals have on our daily lives. They work tirelessly behind the scenes, providing essential services that often go unnoticed but are indispensable to our well-being.

Whether it’s managing transportation infrastructure, ensuring clean water and efficient wastewater treatment, or responding promptly to emergencies, public works professionals are the unsung heroes who keep our communities running smoothly. They create and maintain the very foundation upon which our societies flourish.

Join us in celebrating the remarkable contributions of public works professionals during National Public Works Week. Let’s shine a spotlight on their dedication, expertise, and unwavering commitment to making life better for all of us. Thank you! Are you a member of New England APWA? Learn about the benefits of membership here.

Welcome to the Team!

Andrew Schroder, EIT joins BETA as a staff engineer in our Hartford transportation group. Andrew received a bachelor’s in civil engineering from the University of Connecticut. He previously worked as a project engineer specializing in traffic and civil engineering projects that entailed collaborating with stakeholders (including private developers and municipalities), preparing permits and construction designs, and analyzing potential traffic impacts.

Ready to join our award-winning team?

BETA will challenge you with interesting work and offers the potential for growth and advancement. We are currently looking for talented staff across many of our disciplines in offices throughout New England. Browse our current job openings.

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