West Roxbury to Needham Reliability Project

West Roxbury to Needham, Massachusetts

BETA provided professional environmental consulting services to Harlan Electric Company for compliance assistance during construction of the West Roxbury to Needham Reliability Project power transmission improvements project.  The project included work subject to multiple permit and agency jurisdictions and included diverse activities in and near resources protected under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and authorized regulations, local wetland protection ordinances and numerous other state and federal programs.

BETA assisted with review of pertinent project plans, including details and specifications related to environmental permit compliance and reviewed Order of Conditions required for Harlan’s project segments.  We also reviewed and evaluated compliance for Massachusetts and federal agency permits and authorizations including Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation permitting and Landfill Post-Closure Use approvals, as well as US Army Corp of Engineers and US EPA General Permits for NPDES discharges and remediation.  Finally, we provided construction monitoring and compliance visits to inspect the work areas and evaluate compliance.  For each visit conducted, BETA prepared construction monitoring reports for presentation to Harlan.