Hampton Circle Playground Flood Recovery and ADA Improvements

Hull, Massachusetts

BETA is leading the design and permitting for the Town of Hull’s Hampton Circle Playground restoration, storm damage recovery, and ADA compliance. The playground is located within a FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area and a coastal zone
area and incurred major damage during 2018 storms. The Town secured funding through an application for Public Assistance reimbursement under the federally declared disaster DR 4372, “2018 Major Storm” to restore facilities back to pre-disaster design, capacity, and function within the existing footprint using in-kind materials. BETA was hired to conduct a site assessment, prepare a conceptual design for site improvements, and complete all required permitting for the project.

BETA’s Ecological Services Team reviewed FEMA EHP Record of Environmental Consideration and conducted an in-person site inspection to review existing conditions and determine the jurisdictional resource areas present at the site. The project team then produced a design for site restoration that considers the parcel’s location (within the Weir River Area of Critical Environmental Concern) and aims to decrease impervious surfaces on site, enhance stormwater management, and improve habitat through planting of native, salt tolerant vegetation.

After BETA delivered preliminary findings about the site’s jurisdictional authority and permitting requirements, the Town
expanded BETA’s scope to include preparing an Environmental Notification Form under the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act, as well as a Notice of Intent under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act.