Norton/Mansfield Rail Trail Extension

Norton/Mansfield, Massachusetts

BETA is providing design, permitting, and construction services to the Town of Norton for approximately 4 miles of new multi-use path through an abandoned rail corridor. The project will be an extension of the World War II path located in Mansfield and will also consist of on-road bicycle accommodations and safety improvements at several roadway crossings. The project will create recreational opportunities for surrounding communities as well as an alternative mode of transportation to access the Mansfield MBTA commuter rail station. The trail will consist of a 12-foot asphalt path with an adjacent 5-foot pervious path for equestrian use.

Trail alignment alternatives will be considered to connect to the existing Mansfield trail by means of on-road accommodations or through a Land Preservation Society parcel. Environmental concerns include forested wetlands and vernal pools adjacent to the rail corridor and the presence of multiple Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) within the project limits. Additional components of the project design will include trailhead/parking areas, neighborhood screening, benches, kiosks, and interpretive signing to inform trail users of the historical significance of the corridor as well as the value of the surrounding wildlife habitat.

Project Management Team