Shrewsbury Street Roadway Improvements

Worcester, Massachusetts

BETA was selected to develop roadway and streetscape design for the Shrewsbury Street Roadway Improvements in the City of Worcester. The Shrewsbury Street corridor is 7,000 feet (1.33 miles) situated diagonally between Interstate 290 and State Route 9, and as such, provides an important transportation link for both vehicles and pedestrians.

A major focus of this project was to improve pedestrian safety and to provide streetscape enhancements. Ornamental lights, high visibility crosswalks, and neckdowns were key features to accomplish these goals.

The project involved geometric improvements within the median area to improve turning movements, the installation and/or reconstruction of neckdowns at several key locations throughout the project corridor, and streetscape improvements including street trees, stamped and colored concrete crosswalks, brick paver accent band within the sidewalk area, and ornamental street lighting. The wide median was targeted for improvements as well. They included seasonal plantings, irrigation, and up lighting for trees.

Shrewsbury Street has since become home to BETA’s Worcester office location!

Project Management Team