Parks Master Plan

East Windsor, Connecticut

East Windsor’s parks and recreation system is an incredible amenity for the Town, featuring a robust collection of sports fields, passive areas, and neighborhood parks including a regionally significant park. As the first parks master plan for the Town, extensive planning and analysis helped prioritize goals for a community that has been experiencing growth, demographic changes, and funding shifts. The BETA team reviewed the existing conditions, including wetlands, soils, topography, parcel information, circulation, and existing uses. Climate resilience was a central consideration of the analysis. The focus was on improving the park system to allow for equity, connectivity, and ecology of the landscapes. BETA and the Town identified inequities in the parks and recreational amenities, particularly needing to change field types to better serve the community. BETA identified connectivity opportunities including improved bicycle facilities, riverfront access, and expanded pedestrian access to existing parks. Under-utilized and sensitive ecological areas including wetlands were also identified and recommendations for enhancements were provided.

After the analysis, the BETA team worked with the community to envision the next era of East Windsor’s parks and recreation system. This was done through an in-depth review of project areas and a series of conversations with the community to understand their priorities. The final product will include master plans and prioritized goals for each park property as well as cost estimates for individual goals.

Project Management Team