PFAS Remediation Services
Barnstable County, Massachusetts

BETA currently provides Licensed Site Professional (LSP), environmental engineering, and environmental remediation services for the documented released Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) release at the Barnstable County Fire and Rescue Training Academy (BFTA). PFAS have been identified in soil and groundwater at and adjacent to the BFTA, in nearby public drinking water wells, and in surface waters and sediment.
BETA has been working with the County and MassDEP to evaluate the imminent hazards to down-gradient public and private water supplies. The team is working to prepare plans for interim expansion of the existing groundwater pump and treatment system, site capping, and to implement stormwater management improvements (so as not to exacerbate the contaminant plume). BETA has conducted soil and groundwater assessments to determine the extent of the contamination and understand the fate and transport of PFAS at the site. This has been accomplished through quarterly groundwater monitoring and sediment and surface water assessment in the adjacent pond.
As part of several response actions occurring at the site, BETA provides oversight for the operation and maintenance of the groundwater pump and treatment system. The system uses a recovery well located approximately 800 feet southeast of the BFTA that pumps groundwater to the system for treatment via activated carbon to remove the PFAS. The laboratory analyses have documented 26 PFAS compounds at concentrations well below their respective health advisory standards. Approximately 0.023 kilograms of PFAS are being removed per month on average.
In January 2019, the site was designated as a Public Involvement Plan (PIP) site in accordance with the MCP. BETA presented and distributed a PIP in May 2019 to the Town of Barnstable and its officials. After working with citizens and interested parties, BETA finalized the PIP the following month. PIP activities are ongoing. BETA is also working with other companies that are conducting pilot tests/studies on various remediation/treatment technologies for the removal of PFAS from soil and groundwater.
Most recently, BETA designed a cap with stormwater management controls to be constructed at the facility to prevent infiltration of precipitation through the soils and help to reduce the migration of the PFAS plume from the BFTA. The final design of this cap also included the incorporation of the demolition of the two former, live-fire training buildings at the FTA and additional fire training apparatus.